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Dai Ichi Life

WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE Company Profile


WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE is a leading life insurance company in Japan. The company offers a wide range of life insurance products, including individual life insurance, group life insurance, and annuity products. WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE also provides a variety of other financial services, such as asset management and investment advisory services.

Company Profile

WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE was founded in 1902. The company is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE has over 30,000 employees and over 8 million policyholders. The company's total assets are over $300 billion.

News Releases

WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE regularly issues news releases to keep investors and the public informed about the company's latest developments. These news releases are available on the company's website.

IR DSR Annual

WEB DAI-ICHI LIFE also publishes an annual IR DSR. This report provides investors with detailed information about the company's financial performance and operations.
